
IFS研究 | 2015年以来,数字化转型计划增长了26%

gkong 工控参考 2023-07-10

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August 17, 2018 - IFS, the global enterprise applications company, has released a primary research study of 200 North American manufacturing executives which reveals more than half of respondents expect their budgets for digital transformation to increase in the next two years.


The IFS study also reveals that substantial investments have already been made in digital transformation initatives, leading to a 26 percent increase since a 2015 study in companies saying their enterprise software did a very good or good job preparing them for digital transformation. Based on the results from the study, IFS believes digital transformation will continue to accelerate in coming years since only 5 percent of respondents expected their budgets to decrease.

IFS研究研究还显示,数字化转型启动项目已经进行了大量投资,自2015年对企业进行的一项研究以来,这一投资增长了26 %,该研究称,他们的企业软件在为数字化转型做好准备方面做得非常好或很好。根据该研究结果,IFS认为数字化转型将在未来几年持续加速,因为只有5%的受访者预计其预算会减少。

IFS’s results are corroborated by analyst research indicating a groundswell of investment in digital transformation. According to a study by IDC, global digital transformation spending will reach $1.7 trillion by 2019, increasing 42 percent over 2017. ”According to the 2018 Gartner Digital Business Survey, 59 percent of midsize enterprises (MSEs) intend to pursue their digital ambitions by both optimizing and transforming their business for the digital era.”


“Today, a lot more companies feel they are prepared for digital transformation than they felt a year ago,” IFS CTO, North America, Rick Veague said. “It is not likely that 20 percent of the market replaced their enterprise systems. It takes longer than that to identify a project, select technology and implement. Some may have already had projects in place and seen them come to fruition. But a good percentage are now, a year later, more aware of the possibilities. There are simple wins to be had by leveraging more accessible technologies like mobility and, increasingly, IoT. Now that enterprise software vendors have planned their offerings around these technologies, the pace of change can pick up quickly. Those who cannot change at the pace of their competitors will be left behind.”

“相比一年前,今天有越来越多的公司认为他们已经为数字化转型做好了准备,”IFS北美首席技术官Rick Veague说道。“20%的市场不太可能取代他们的企业系统。甄选一个项目、选择技术和实施需要更长的时间。有些人可能已经有了项目,并看到了成果。但是一年后,现在很大一部分人更意识到了可能性。通过利用更容易获得的技术,如移动性,以及越来越多的物联网,我们可以获得简单的胜利。现在,企业软件供应商已经围绕这些技术规划了他们的产品,变革的步伐可以迅速加快。那些无法按照竞争对手的步伐改变的人将被甩在后面。”

The study also sheds light on the type of digital transformation projects respondents have budgeted for. Analytics and mobility projects were the most frequently funded among respondent companies. 




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